There are many reasons for neck pain and discomfort, so first of all, it is necessary to differentiate and diagnose which cause the symptoms, and then treat the symptoms, instead of first treating and then diagnosing. Generally speaking, several common reasons are:
- Neck and shoulder soft tissue strain, manifested as neck and shoulder soreness, muscle tension, and unrestricted joint movement.
- Stiff neck, that is, inflammation and edema of the soft tissue of the neck, manifested as neck pain, obvious limitation of movement, swelling of the local soft tissue, and cord-like soft tissue in the neck and shoulders. Acupuncture and moxibustion can be used to release or oral anti-inflammatory drugs. In severe cases, infusion is needed to reduce edema. After the inflammation is stabilized, manual release can be used, and medicinal compresses can be used to relieve tension.
- Cervical facet joint disorder, manifested as obvious tender points in the neck, obvious muscle tension and pain, not necessarily limited neck movement, often with symptoms of sympathetic nerve compression in the neck and shoulders, so symptoms such as headache, chest tightness, poor breathing, lack of energy, etc. , can be adjusted and reset by manipulation, coupled with self-function exercise recovery.
- Cervical spondylosis. Many people confuse cervical spondylosis with neck and shoulder syndrome. In fact, the real symptoms of cervical spondylosis are much more serious. In addition to neck and shoulder pain, due to the compression of spinal nerves and vertebral arteries, there will be weakness and numbness in the limbs. Dizziness, headache, limited neck movement and other symptoms, if there are obvious symptoms of intervertebral disc compression, traction can be used to reduce joint pressure, and acupuncture or manipulation can be used to adjust joints to reduce nerve compression, and in severe cases, surgery is required.